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Restaurant web designer using HTML CSS And JAVASCRIPT with source code

  Hi everybody! Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you will learn how to create a responsive restaurant website using HTML CSS And JAVASCRIPT in this Blog. Usin
Restaurant web designer using HTML CSS And JAVASCRIPT with source code


Hi everybody! Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you will learn

how to create a responsive restaurant website using HTML CSS And JAVASCRIPT in this Blog.

Using standard JavaScript, users can use the navigation buttons on the web design moving car animation  website design to navigate through each slide. The clip-path property is utilized for the transition on the slide. I hope that when you design a website with online moving car animation , this video will be helpful.

You can download all of the source files and codes from this location. The code from the text editors must be copied and pasted. Try it out first by watching the video tutorial. It will assist you in comprehending everything. After that, if your code isn’t working right, look at the source codes provided and compare them to your own. It will assist you in comprehending everything, including your errors.


					<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Complete Responsive Food Website Design Tutorial</title>
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    <!-- header section starts -->
<a href="#">Festo.</a>
<a href="#home">Home</a>
<a href="#dishes">Dishes</a>
<a href="#about">About</a>
<a href="#menu">Menu</a>
<a href="#review">Review</a>
<a href="#order">Order</a>
<a href="#"></a>
<a href="#"></a>
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<!-- search from -->
<form id="search-form">
<input type="search" placeholder="search here..." name="" id="search-box">
<label for="search-box"></label>
<!-- home section starts -->
<section id="home">
 our special dish
<h3>spicy noodles</h3>
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?</p>
<a href="#">order now</a>
<img decoding="async" src="images/home-img-1.png" alt="">
 our special dish
<h3>fried chicken</h3>
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?</p>
<a href="#">order now</a>
<img decoding="async" src="images/home-img-2.png" alt="">
 our special dish
<h3>hot pizza</h3>
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?</p>
<a href="#">order now</a>
                    <img decoding="async" src="images/home-img-3.png" alt="">
<!-- home section ends -->
<!-- dishes section start -->
<section id="dishes">
    <h3>our dishes</h3>
    <h1>popular dishes</h1>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/dish-1.png" alt="">
            <h3>tasty food</h3>
            <a href="#">add to cart</a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/dish-2.png" alt="">
            <h3>tasty food</h3>
            <a href="#">add to cart</a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/dish-3.png" alt="">
            <h3>tasty food</h3>
            <a href="#">add to cart</a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/dish-4.png" alt="">
            <h3>tasty food</h3>
            <a href="#">add to cart</a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/dish-5.png" alt="">
            <h3>tasty food</h3>
            <a href="#">add to cart</a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <a href="#"></a>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/dish-6.png" alt="">
            <h3>tasty food</h3>
            <a href="#">add to cart</a>
<!-- dishes section ends -->
<!-- about section starts -->
<section id="about">
    <h3>about us</h3>
    <h1>why choose us?</h1>
            <img decoding="async" src="images/about-img.png" alt="">
            <h3>best food in the country</h3>
            <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?</p>
            <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque?</p>
                    free delivery
                    easy payments
                    24/7 service
            <a href="#">Learn More</a>
<!-- about section ends -->
<!-- menu section starts -->
<section id="menu">
    <h3>our menu</h3>
    <h1>today's speciality</h1>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-1.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-2.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-3.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-4.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-5.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-6.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-7.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-8.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
                <img decoding="async" src="images/menu-9.jpg" alt="">
                <a href="#"></a>
                <h3>delicious food</h3>
                <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit natus dolor cumque? farhanj</p>
                <a href="#">add to cart</a>
<!-- menu section endss -->
<!-- review section starts -->
<section id="review">
    <h3> customer's review </h3>
    <h1> what they say </h1>
                    <img decoding="async" src="images/pic-1.png" alt="">
                        <h3>john deo</h3>
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit fugiat consequuntur repellendus aperiam deserunt nihil, corporis fugit voluptatibus voluptate totam neque illo placeat eius quis laborum aspernatur quibusdam. Ipsum, magni.</p>
                    <img decoding="async" src="images/pic-2.png" alt="">
                        <h3>john deo</h3>
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit fugiat consequuntur repellendus aperiam deserunt nihil, corporis fugit voluptatibus voluptate totam neque illo placeat eius quis laborum aspernatur quibusdam. Ipsum, magni.</p>
                    <img decoding="async" src="images/pic-3.png" alt="">
                        <h3>john deo</h3>
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit fugiat consequuntur repellendus aperiam deserunt nihil, corporis fugit voluptatibus voluptate totam neque illo placeat eius quis laborum aspernatur quibusdam. Ipsum, magni.</p>
                    <img decoding="async" src="images/pic-4.png" alt="">
                        <h3>john deo</h3>
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit fugiat consequuntur repellendus aperiam deserunt nihil, corporis fugit voluptatibus voluptate totam neque illo placeat eius quis laborum aspernatur quibusdam. Ipsum, magni.</p>
<!-- review section ends -->
<!-- order section starts -->
<section id="order">
<h3> order now </h3>
    <h1> free and fast </h1>
    <form action="">
                your name
                <input type="text" placeholder="enter your name" name="">
                your number
                <input type="number" placeholder="enter your number" name="">
                your order
                <input type="text" placeholder="enter food name" name="">
                additional food
                <input type="text" placeholder="extra with food" name="">
                how much
                <input type="number" placeholder="how many orders" name="">
                date and time
                <input type="datetime-local">
                your address
                <textarea name="" placeholder="enter your address" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
                your message
                <textarea name="" placeholder="enter your message" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
        <input type="submit" value="order now" name="">
<!-- order section ends -->
<!-- footer section starts -->
            <a href="#">india</a>
            <a href="#">japan</a>
            <a href="#">russia</a>
            <a href="#">korea</a>
            <a href="#">USA</a>
            <h3>quick links</h3>
            <a href="#">home</a>
            <a href="#">dishes</a>
            <a href="#">about</a>
            <a href="#">menu</a>
            <a href="#">review</a>
            <a href="#">order</a>
            <h3>contact info</h3>
            <a href="#">+123-456-789</a>
            <a href="#">+111-222-333</a>
            <a href="#">shaikhfarhan@gmail.com</a>
            <a href="#">farhankhan@gmail.com</a>
            <a href="#">mumbai, india - 401203</a>
            <h3>follow us</h3>
            <a href="#">facebook</a>
            <a href="#">twitter</a>
            <a href="#">instagram</a>
            <a href="#">linkedin</a>
     copyright @ 2021 by dailywebdesign
<!-- footer section ends -->
<!-- loader part -->
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    <!-- custom js file link -->


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document.querySelector('#search-icon').onclick = () =>{
document.querySelector('#close').onclick = () =>{
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function loader(){
function fadeOut(){
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