Daily Web Designs

how to create a complete responsive multi-page education/school website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

how to create a complete responsive multi-page education/school website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Hi everybody! Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you will learn

how to create a responsive, multi-page education or school website. Using html5, CSS3, and ES6 JavaScript, this beginner web development project tutorial shows you how to create a cutting-edge educational website.

You will learn how to create a responsive multipage website from the ground up in this comprehensive website tutorial. There will be a Home page, an About page, a Courses page, and a Contact page with a Contact Form that works properly on this website.

You can download all of the source files and codes from this location. The code from the text editors must be copied and pasted. Try it out first by watching the video tutorial. It will assist you in comprehending everything. After that, if your code isn’t working right, look at the source codes provided and compare them to your own. It will assist you in comprehending everything, including your errors.







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