● Introduction to ScrollMagic and GSAP: An overview of the ScrollMagic library and the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), explaining their roles in creating scroll-triggered animations.
● Setting Up the Project: Instructions on how to set up the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files needed for the project.
● Designing the Landing Page: Step-by-step guidance on designing the layout and visual elements of the landing page, possibly incorporating Fanta’s iconic orange color and bubbly aesthetic.
● Animating with GSAP: Demonstrations on how to use GSAP to animate elements on the page, such as creating smooth transitions, scaling, and rotation effects.
● Scroll Triggers with ScrollMagic: Tutorials on how to use ScrollMagic to trigger animations when the user scrolls to certain points on the page, enhancing the interactivity of the landing page.
● Responsive Design Considerations: Tips on making the landing page responsive so that it works well on various devices and screen sizes.
● Debugging and Testing: Advice on how to debug and test the animations to ensure they work as intended across different browsers and platforms.
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