In this article, we will see how to learn Laravel 9 Import Export Excel & CSV File to Updating Database Example. This tutorial will cover on how to import and export excel or csv file data to database with example.
Steps for Laravel 9 Import Export Excel & Updating CSV File to Database Example:
Step 1: Installing fresh new Laravel 9 Application
Step 2: Creating Database and .env Configuration
Step 3: Creating Controller
Step 4: Creating Routes
Step 5: Creating Blade File
Step 6: Testing
Step 7: Conclusion
Also read :Add Column After A Column In Laravel Migration
Step 1: Installing fresh new Laravel 9 Application
Firstly, we are going to install a fresh new Laravel 9 Application. To install a laravel 9 application run the following code in terminal.
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
cd example-app
Step 2:Creating Database and .env Configuration.
* Reverse the migrations.
* @return void
public function down()
Step 3:Creating Controller setup.
php artisan make:controller StudentsController
Step 4:Creating routes setup.
Step 5:Creating index setup.
Student id
@foreach($students as $i => $stud )
{{$stud -> id}}
{{$stud -> fullname}}
{{$stud -> dob}}
{{$stud -> email}}
{{$stud -> phone}}
{{$stud -> fields}}
Step 6:Creating download setup. the anchor add the route that we have created above. download the data from database add this code.
Step 7:Creating update setup.
1.Now make changes in the csv that you have downloaded.
2.Now in form action add the route.
3.code shown below.
Step 8:Creating controller Download setup.
1.Controller setup for downloading the data from database.
public function download(){
// Retrieve all student records from the database using the Student model
$students = Student::get();
// Define the column headers for the CSV file
$row = [
'0' => 'SRNO',
'1' => 'StudentId',
'2' => 'Full Name',
'3' => 'date of birth',
'4' => 'email address',
'5' => 'phone number',
'6' => 'course name',
// Combine the column headers into a CSV string
$csv = implode(',', $row);
// Iterate through each student record and append their information to the CSV string
foreach ($students as $key => $stud) {
$row =[];
array_push($row, $stud['id']);
array_push($row, $stud['fullname']);
array_push($row, $stud['dob']);
array_push($row, $stud['email']);
array_push($row, $stud['phone']);
array_push($row, $stud['fields']);
// Append the current student's information to the CSV string
$csv .= '
' . ($key + 1) . ',' . implode(',', $row);
// Generate a filename for the CSV file based on the current date and time
$filename = "student_" . date("d-m-Y H i") . ".csv";
// Set HTTP headers to indicate that the response is a CSV file and trigger download
header('Content-type: application/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename);
// Output the CSV string to the browser, initiating the download
echo $csv;
Step 9:Creating controller update setup.
1.Controller setup for Upadting the data in database.
public function updateCSV(Request $request)
// Retrieve the uploaded CSV file from the request
$filename = $request->file('student_update');
// Check if a valid CSV file is uploaded
if ($filename && strtolower($filename->getClientOriginalExtension()) == 'csv') {
// Open the CSV file for reading
$fh = fopen($filename, 'r');
// Read the header row from the CSV file
$header = fgetcsv($fh);
// Define the expected header for the CSV file
$expectedHeader = ['SRNO', 'StudentId', 'Full Name', 'date of birth', 'email address', 'phone number', 'course name'];
// Compare the header from the CSV file with the expected header
if ($header !== $expectedHeader) {
return back()->withErrors(['Invalid CSV file.']);
// Process each row of data in the CSV file
while ($data = fgetcsv($fh)) {
// Retrieve the student record from the database based on the StudentId
$student = Student::where('id', $data[1])->first();
// Check if the student record exists
if ($student) {
// Define the update array with data from the CSV file
$update = [
'fullname' => $data[2],
'dob' => $data[3],
'email' => $data[4],
'phone' => $data[5],
'fields' => $data[6],
// Update the student record with the new data
// Close the CSV file
// Redirect back with a success message
return back()->with('success', 'CSV file successfully processed.');
} else {
// Redirect back with an error message if the file format is not valid
return back()->withErrors(['Invalid file format. Please upload a CSV file.']);
Step 10:conclusion.
You can see the crystal clear difference of code clarity.