D a i l y W e b D e s i g n s

How To Call an API

Step: 1 What is an API? Think of API as a postman who takes your letter to another person and gets back with a response.In simplest words, API is like a middle-

Step: 1 What is an API?

Think of API as a postman who takes your letter to another person and gets back with a response.In simplest words, API is like a middle- man that helps client and server communicate with each other.

Step: 2 Call an AΡΙ

There are four steps to call an API:

1. Find an API
2. Request it
3. Handle response
4. Error handling

We will be using JavaScript to make the API call.

Step: 3
1. Find an API

We can use RapidAPI Hub, the home of over 35k+ APIs. I will use the Famous Quotes API from the Hub.

Step 4. Error handling

Lastly, let’s do some error handling in case the API request fails.

API Response

You will see a response like the following when you run your JavaScript file.

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